In addition to being at the intersection of I-70 and 75, the Dayton Region, Ohio, USA, is uniquely positioned above the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer, one of the largest sole source aquifers in the United States.
Protecting that source water and providing quality services to 250,000 residents and 6,000 businesses drives us every day.
Water resources directly impact our businesses, communities, and residents. Businesses like Cargill and DMAX rely on high-quality water for their manufacturing, and residents love being near the water to fish, kayak, or hike on over 300 miles of paved trails.
Organizations like Confluence bring together universities, large corporations, emerging companies, the federal government, state government, local government, and economic development associations to nurture an innovative industry cluster around water-related technologies.
Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer Facts
- 5 trillion gallon (5.7T liters) buried valley aquifer
- 3,000 gallons (11,300 liters) of water per minute from individual wells
- Supports demand of up to and beyond 10 million gallons (38M liters)/day
- EPA award-winning source water protection program
Montgomery County Environmental Services System Overview
- 1,931 km (1,200 miles) of sewer pipe
- 2,156 km (1,340 miles) of water pipe
- 14 water tanks
- 12 pump stations
- 36 lift stations
- 3 EQ basins
- 2 wastewater treatment plants
1 solid waste/recycling transfer station